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We don’t just buy anything, that’s for sure We buy quality. Only quality.

Note: The terms and conditions governing the sale of a vehicle shall be as stated in the vehicle sale agreement in respect of that vehicle and any statements made on our website do not constitute contractual undertakings

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Carspace was established in 2014 by our founder, mechanical engineer, Marco da Silva.

We realize that most purchasers of vehicles are not experts in vehicle mechanics. As we are, we make sure that proper inspection is diagnostically assessed prior to the sale thereof to ensure that underlying faults do not go unnoticed. We will not sell you a vehicle if we are not satisfied that the vehicle has been properly assessed.

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Professional Service

Professional service means everything to us. As our clients have to put their faith in us and our integrity, we are fully committed to establishing a good relationship with each of our clients, even after the transaction has been concluded.

Want to know more? Contact us.

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We don’t just buy anything, that’s for sure We buy quality. Only quality.

Note: The terms and conditions governing the sale of a vehicle shall be as stated in the vehicle sale agreement in respect of that vehicle and any statements made on our website do not constitute contractual undertakings

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Carspace was established in 2014 by our founder, mechanical engineer, Marco da Silva.

We realize that most purchasers of vehicles are not experts in vehicle mechanics. As we are, we make sure that proper inspection is diagnostically assessed prior to the sale thereof to ensure that underlying faults do not go unnoticed. We will not sell you a vehicle if we are not satisfied that the vehicle has been properly assessed.

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Professional Service

Professional service means everything to us. As our clients have to put their faith in us and our integrity, we are fully committed to establishing a good relationship with each of our clients, even after the transaction has been concluded.

Want to know more? Contact us.

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  • Quick Links:
  • Current Cars
  • About Us
  • Finance
  • Contact Us
  • Location:
  • De Beers Ave, Firgrove Rural, Cape Town, 7130
  • 13 Oaklands Bridge, George, 6529